Will Design For Chocolate
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Technology is a wonderful thing, but it can also create a huge headache if you aren't familiar with it. In today's highly connected world, you need to be connected to the places your readers will be. This page will update with the current and upcoming technology available for an author, so you can make choices about what's best for your marketing needs.


This is a work in progress, so be sure to check back for more information and articles soon. Or if you'd like to be informed when things are added, please sign up for my newsletter.


twitterTwitter (and related tools) | http://www.twitter.com

Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time. What does that mean? Think of it like Instant Messaging on Crack. It's a way to connect to dozens, perhaps hundreds to hundreds of thousands of people all at once -- and directly into their account. :: LEARN MORE

Cost: FREE | Time Usage: Minimal to Obsessive


Coming Soon







Hints & Tricks

Did you know that including an author photo on your website and promotion materials makes the visitor connect on a more personal level? It's a long time trick of marketing design to include a smiling, friendly face in the advertising.

HINT: Include your author photo, even if you don't like it. People like to see a smiling face.