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You wrote a book, or you're in the midst of one...or hey, maybe you're just thinking of one. And that's all you need to be an author, right? A book? Not so. In today's highly connected world, you need to be connected to the places your readers will be. You can write the best book in the world, but it doesn't do you any good if no one knows it's out there.


That's where your marketing and promotion efforts come in. And hopefully, this section will make those choices easier for you. The two basics that I believe every author should have are one, a website and two, a bookmark or business card. The website represents you online, and the business card/bookmark represents you in person.


Website | First step

A website is 100% necessary in today's world. It's the first place people will go to learn more about you, to find out more about your books. Believe it or not, a website does speak to the perception of your professionalism as an author.


Every website should include:

It doesn't have to be fancy or big or splashy. It just has to be you.


Website Don'ts

Business Cards or Bookmarks?

As an author, you need something to hand out to people you meet. You can make the choice, but choose bookmarks or business cards. People will expect them when they meet you, and they will be far less likely to take the next step if you don't give them something tangible to hold on to after you aren't in front of them anymore. So how do you choose? Consider these points:


Ready to get started on building your brand?
Check out my portfolio of work and my services.


Services I personally recommend to help you with your writing and marketing needs:


An Author's Best Friend
Kim Castillo has an extensive list of services to help authors navigate their way through a promotion plan.


Eliza Knight's Critique Service
Need an extra set of qualified eyes? I personally vouch for Eliza's ability.


Book Candy Studios

Viral Marketing can get the word out about your latest book. Check out Todd and Sandy at Book Candy Studios for some excellent help.


Hints & Tricks

Did you know that including an author photo on your website and promotion materials makes the visitor connect on a more personal level? It's a long time trick of marketing design to include a smiling, friendly face in the advertising.

HINT: Include your author photo, even if you don't like it. People like to see a smiling face.


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